Monday, June 26, 2006

ok. I'm back again. yadda yadda yadda. I think I need to craft some writer-y discipline hence another crack at this blog lark.
Anyway on with the "show"

TV Watch

Desperate Housewives
I go back and forth on how much I actually like this show sometimes. For every wonderfully etched moment of dark soapiness theres another howlingly bad piece of scripting or more Stupid Bloody Susan. Still I'd been following this show on and off enough to watch the big final season blowout. Which thankfully was, for the most part, great TV. There were plenty of key moments for each of the housewives (except, strangely, Edie) to shine. I didn't even hate Susan in this episode which is a good sign. The storylines were myriad (sorry to be all pretentious by using that word!) but boiled down to: BULLET POINT ALERT..
Susan: told Carl to move on and finalised her divorce with him even though he bought her a house, she also got ready to propose to Mike but he failed to turn up for their "date". Not because he stood her up but because he was run over by Susan's creepy dentist friend who is also making his move on Bree at the end of the episode. Which I still can't figure out is a genius twist or just a desperate move to sustain viewer interest.
Bree: Escpaed from her asylum place in time to save her daughter from creepy Matthew who it turned out had killed that girl all along and ended up shot dead by police in an end to the highlight of the whole finale. Bree's facing down of Matthew and reclaiming her daughter (and her sanity) was easily the surefire highlight of the episode and a neat reminder of the talent Marcia Cross has in more than just being incredibly uptight.
Gabrielle: found out that the maid chick (forget her name!) was sexing Carlos and promptly threw him out but magically managed to keep maid girl in the house threatening her in a way that suggests a steeliness we've yet to see in Mrs Solis.
Lynette: saw Tom with another woman (gasp!), promptly did her best to let him "go" emotionally (aw!), then found out that he was actually meeting the mother of the daughter he didn't know he had (shock!). So.. (and this is almost as tedious to write as it is to read I assure you) mother of said daughter asked for mucho moolah and Lynette also displayed new found steeliness (and/or bitchiness) by successful putting said mother in her place even though she's moving into a house close to them.
Also joining the various plots was some guff about Zach I cannot be arsed reliving here and some rather neat flashbacks which managed to join the various plot points together and give fresh insight into the main characters and their first meetings with their fellow Wisteria Lane residents.
Overall it was a sharp and mostly satisfying end to an up and down season for one of the most overrated if still enjoyable shows on TV.

Not long left in the second season on Irish TV and thankfully it's managed to keep up it's work as an engaging mix of mystery, suspense and general wierdness. There's no doubt that it's fiercely overhyped and at times dangerously close to losing the run of itself but there's been enough juicy twists, interesting flashbacks and fan pleasing character moments to make Lost still well worth the effort.
Highlights so far include any Kate, Locke, Jin+Sun,Rose centric episodes/moments and the way the survivors on both sides of the island have been slowly linked together. And there's the twist at the end of episode 20 which is just too good to give away. Overall it's still a show that requires effort but one that (thankfully) rewards that effort.

Phew! It may be a few weeks away from finishing but Alias is most definitely going out with a bang throwing in enough returning favourites and shock twists to make fans both weepy at it's demise and proud to be in on one of the most sharply written, well acted and underrated shows on American TV. From surprise deaths to typically Alias (and typically ridiculous) twists that let Jennifer Garner to flex even more acting muscle (and there was me thinking that we'd seen her do everything on this show) this is a show determined to go out on a high. This is probably the most I've ever both dreaded and looked forward to a series finale in my whole life!

The O.C.
While the 3rd season was nowhere as up, down and at times utterly shit as sesaon 2 it was still a frustrating stop start watch with some unnecessary storylines (did anybody give a shit about Sandy's yawnsome office politics? I didn't. And don't get me started on *voimit* Johnny) and evn more unnecessary characters (like those floaters from Marisa's new school. Snore.). Still there was lots to enjoy. Rachel Bilson still shows her unbeliveably sharp comic and dramatic talents in her endlessly appealing portrayl of Summer, new character Taylor is the first post season 1 character to fit perfectly with the show bringing a hint of the much missed Popular with her and strangely Mischa Barton finally learned to make Marisa watchable and likeable. Strange. Unfortunately too often this good stuff took a lot of work to get to and unless Josh Schwartz's planned kick up for the ass for season 4 works out I can't see myself being particularly interested in this show much longer.

Prison Break
Maybe, just maybe, this is the most under whelming pilot I've ever seen. A guy getting into prison to break out his brother, a 12 twists per second average, great production values etc etc. This should be the best thing ever, having me completely hooked after 10 minutes. isn't. I cannot warm to this much hyped new show at all no matter how much I try. I'm putting it down mostly to Wentworth Miller whose slightly fey distant performance completely stops me from buying into the show's premise or any of it's numerous ridiculous twists. Maybe I should stick with Prison Break but in all honesty when something this hyped is so underwhelming what's the bloody point?

Oh jesus. Don't get me started. All I have to say is the final episode of Charmed was possibly the most braindead, hackneyed, lame ass, insulting hour of TV I've ever had the misfortune to sit through. If I were a fan of this show I would have vomited profusely having watched that episode. As it was I just felt bored and deeply violent. NEXT!

Veronica Mars
all I have to say is the following
*Kristen Bell is amazing. Give that woman an Emmy!
*This show is full of the best lines since Buffy was in it's prime
*This shits over everything else on TV right now
*I really wish I didn't know the big end of season 2 twist so I could watch this twist-y, clever, engaging teen noir/soap/romance/melodrama/comedy/thriller unfold in all it's glory.

Coming soon: Pop Music Chatter and anything else I feel like throwing in!

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