Monday, August 23, 2004

Ditzyplex at the movies: Honey
Saw this the other night, have to say twas a great little feel good movie.
Review: Honey Daniels (Jessica Alba) is an aspiring dancer who dreams of finding fame dancing in music videos, her big break comes courtesy of a hot video director who gives her big break, but how will Honey balance the new world around her with her commitments to the kids in her hip hop dance class and her neighbourhood?
The plot of this movie is hardly high art but it works much better than I expected. I really found myself getting into the feel good movie vibe of the movie. It helps that it's pacey and looks good and the dancing is stunning. Jessica Alba is a very likeable lead and there are some adorable scenes where she manages to pull of being very funny and likeable (fans of Dark Angel will remember that wasn't something she really got to showcase on the show). Personally I think Alba still hasn't really get the chance to shine in a moive but she works really well in this and she really adds to the moive. Honey is not the most in depth or insightful movie you'll ever see but if you want an upbeat and likeable story that puts you in a good mood (and makes you want to dance) than this is for you. Missy Elliot's cameo is hilarious too.

Why the new Britney video will ROCK!
Britney's new video looks set to be fairly flipping good. Why? 1: Jake Nava is directing it.
Nava has done 3 out of the last 4 Beyonce videos (that's Crazy in Love, Baby Boy and Naughty Girl in case you were wondering), Kylie's Red Blooded Woman, Holly Valance's State of Mind (which if you've seen it you'll know is one of the best "slutty pop tart" videos ever), Enrique and Kelis' Not In Love (which is easily one of the most visually stunning videos this year) and Usher's Burn (oh dear... well nobody's perfect!). In other words, he knows how to make girly pop stars look their best and make videos slick and different.
2: The track is produced by Bloodshy and Avant who've done some rather fabulous songs for Miss Spears namely: Showdown, I've Just Begun Having My Fun and another you may have heard of called Toxic
3: It has a budget of 7 something million dollars. We all know that music videos with lots of money spent on them always look very swish and therefore this video will and be very good indeed.
4: The song is all about Britney telling people to let her live etc etc so therefore it's Britney pointing 2 fingers at people and being ace, but the video will cause controversy too (from what I've heard) so therefore she'll be inviting more comments and therefore the video will also be highly ironic. Hoohah.
So you see readers this video will be fabtastic and will piss all over the competition when it arrives. It's simple really.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

*insert obligatory, sorry I'll post here more often comment*
Well dears, lets go through some of my favourite songs doing the rounds on radio at the mo....

Girls Aloud: Love Machine
Oh my! This is so so good. Think McFly, Jet and Girls Aloud stuck in the master pop producer Xenomania's cauldron of pop genius and you're close to the aceness of this track. The lyrics are kooky and fun and the track feels a million times more fun that pretty much everything else on the radio. *heart* it!

Annie: Chewing Gum
Every one on popjustice loves it and I can see why, it took me a few listens but this fun little electro-y piece of Richard X driven pop is lovey. I love the quirky "girl talking to her self about gum chewing habits" lyrics and the backing track clicks and whirrs in all the right places. Luffely.

The 411: Dumb
Hmmm. It sounds better in the shampoo ad but there is still lots to like in this song, namely the backing track which rattles along and is apprioately funky, the chorus is hooky as a very hooky thing but some very trite lyrics and bland vocals let the song down. Still exetremely catchy though and it's slowly taking over my radio so watch for it...

V: Hip to Hip
I know it's been around for ages and ages but radio in Ireland (namely one "yoof" station here) has only picked up on this now, and I love it. I'm very anti boyband mainly because they're nearly all boring etc etc but this is catchy and fun and makes me think that the hype on V might for a change be justified.

and finally honourable mention to one of my fave albums of the moment, namely Janet Jackson's The Velvet Rope which I'm convinced is an absolutely classic and is definitely a ringer for my 5 fave albums...ever!! Go seek a copy in "all good record stores."
That's all for now kids, let's hope I get the discipline to write on this more often.